Advancing Employment and Income Opportunities

OSU Extension is a leader in community development education and an unbiased partner as strategies are implemented to achieve community and organizational goals.

Our community development professionals enhance the well-being of communities and neighborhoods via interactive and collaborative partnerships with local businesses and organizations, community leaders and local officials.

OSU Extension applies cutting-edge research, knowledge and innovations to improve local businesses and the communities they serve. Our economic, small business and job development programs are tailored to local community needs in every county, whether metropolitan, rural or a combination.

Kenzie Johnston is the Community Development Educator for Delaware County.  Please call 740-833-2030 for more information.

You can also learn more about all OSU Extension community development programs at

To support our Community Development efforts our Master Gardener organization is open to partnering with Delaware County individuals or non-profit organizations that are planning or implementing horticulture projects in the county. The Delaware County Master Gardener Association could provide consultation, education, and/or financial support for approved projects.

Extension has been helping all Ohioans build better lives, better businesses and better communities since 1914.