What is the Delaware County 4-H Endowment Fund?
The Delaware County 4-H Endowment Fund is a permanent fund made possible through individual donations, business and corporate contributions, and fund-raising events. It was established in 1992.
The principal is invested permanently through the Ohio 4-H Foundation to generate the maximum interest possible. The interest income returns to Delaware County to exclusively fund Delaware County 4-H Youth Development programs and activities.
By placing funds in the permanent endowment account, contributors will be assured that their gift will remain in perpetuity, providing income to the 4-H program in the coming years.
Why is it necessary to have a county 4-H Endowment?
County, state and federal budgets are very restricted, and usually cannot be stretched to provide more than the basic necessities. The interest income from the endowment fund can supplement these budgets by assisting with:
- awards for youth and adult volunteers
- development of new programs
- youth and volunteer education
- camperships
- purchasing of program materials
Who manages the interest earned at the County Level?
Monies generated through earned interest is placed in the Delaware County 4-H Fund which is managed by the Delaware County Advisory Committee.
Who manages the fund?
Endowment Funds are managed by the Office of the Treasurer of The Ohio State University, which in turn gives us approximately a 4 to 5 % interest rate.
Is my gift tax-deductible?
Yes, the Ohio 4-H Foundation and Delaware County Endowment Fund is a 501 (c) (3) charitable foundation. Consult your accountant or tax attorney for specific guidance on your gift.
How to Give
Current gits of a monetary donation can be made by using The Ohio State University Giving Form and mailing your donation. Select Other and use fund: 650875. Donations can also be made on-line by visiting: http://delaware.osu.edu/give-now