Skillathon Information- 

Delaware County Fair Skillathons have been unified on the subjects that each station will cover. Use your resource book, the learning lab kits, and the additional resources below to help you study. Each skillathon will have 4 stations and each station will be worth 25 points.

Please make entries for skillathon when completing your fair entries and sign up for a time slot. 

Time slot sign-ups- 

2024 Station Topics

  • Station 1 - Quality Assurance (for beef, dairy, goats, pigs, lambs, poultry, and rabbits) or Safety (Dog, horse, and Alpaca)
  • Station 2 - Breeds
  • Station 3 - End Products (Dogs and Horses TBA)
  • Station 4 - Health 
Additional resources
Quality Assurance 


2023 Stations 

  • Station 1 will be Quality Assurance (for beef, dairy, goats, pigs, lambs, poultry, and rabbits) or Safety (Dog, horse, and Alpaca)
  • Station 2 will be parts
  • Station 3 will be Nutrition
  • Station 4 will be Equipment