Quality Assurance / Pork Quality Assurance Programs
- 7:00-8:30 PM. Thursday, March 26, Delaware Area Career Center, North Campus, 1610 St. Rt. 521, Delaware
- 7:00-8:30 PM, Tuesday, April 14, Delaware Area Career Center, North Campus, 1610 St. Rt. 521, Delaware
- 7:00-8:30 PM, Wednesday, May 20, Delaware Co. Fairgrounds, Jr. Fair Building
- 9:30-11:00 AM, Saturday, June 20*, Delaware Co. Fairgrounds, Jr. Fair Building
*The PQA training on June 20th is after the deadline for the Hartford Fair and will not meet the requirement for exhibitors.
Quality Assurance Test Option
Call to schedule a convenient time for you! No tests will be administered after July 1st. The Quality Assurance Test is offered for youth 4-H ages 12 years and above who have previously completed Quality Assurance programming. Participants must have 70% of questions correct or higher in order to pass and can only take the test once. Participants who pass may be eligible to receive QA credit for multiple years, depending on their age. The test may be taken once each year, and participants who do not pass will be required to complete a Quality Assurance program to receive QA credit. Members aged 15 & up are eligible to test out for the rest of their 4-H career!
Frequently Asked Questions
- Who must attend Quality Assurance? All 4-H and FFA members taking Market Beef, Market Lambs, Market Rabbits, Market Poultry, Goats (including Pygmy and Pack goats) and Dairy Cattle MUST attend a Quality Assurance program in order to exhibit at the Delaware County or Ohio State Fair. All Market Hog Exhibitors must complete PQA training each year. Completing the quality assurance requirement each year is mandatory by state law for junior exhibitors.
- Does it matter which Quality Assurance I attend? There are 4 QA/PQA general multi-species programs offered in Delaware County this year. Credit will be given for QA/PQA attendance regardless of which program you attend. Delaware County Fair accepts QA and PQA programs completed in other Ohio counties.
- What if I arrive at a Quality Assurance program late? It is important for each 4-H or FFA member to receive all the training in order to meet Ohio Department of Agriculture requirements. Anyone arriving more than 10 minutes late will not receive credit for attending the QA session.
- What happens if I am unable to attend any of the Delaware County Quality Assurance programs? If you have a conflict with each of the listed Quality Assurance options on the reverse of this sheet, you may contact the Extension office to learn phone numbers or dates for QA programs in other counties. If you know you will have conflicts with the Delaware County dates, call as soon as possible because many counties have earlier QA dates. Market Hog exhibitors must earn youth Pork Quality Assurance Plus certification with no exceptions. If you attend another county, make sure it satisfies the PQA requirement.
- What about the Hartford Fair? Exhibitors at the Hartford fair taking any market or breeding projects (including breeding rabbits) must attend a Quality Assurance program before June 1. Call the Licking Co. Extension office with questions. . The QA training on June 21st is after the deadline for the Hartford fair and will not meet the requirement for exhibitors.
- Can I Test Out of Quality Assurance? Yes! Delaware County offers opportunities for youth to test out of their Quality Assurance or Pork Quality Assurance requirement. Youth ages 12 and above who have completed a Quality Assurance program in previous years may take a Quality Assurance or Pork Quality Assurance test to see how well they know the material. Youth passing the test may potentially fulfill their QA or PQA requirement for multiple years, depending on their age. Call the Extension office to schedule a time to take the test or if you have additional questions (740-833-2030). Tests will NOT be scheduled after July 1st!
- If I attended the carcass contest after the 2014 fair do I need to attend a QA/PQA session this year? No. A QA/PQA training was offered to all who attended the carcass contest in 2014. QA/PQA training is good for one year, which includes the 2015 Delaware County Fair.
To download a PDF flyer please click here.