There are many opportunities for older 4-H members to step up their 4-H involvment and increase their leadership skills. Click on the Opportunities Letter to find out more details!
Delaware County 4-H Opportunties Letter - This link will take you to the letter that was mailed in hard copy on December 12th directly to 4-H members 2014 4-H age 13 to 18. It provides an overview and details on county and state 4-H opportunities.
Ohio 4-H Achievement Awards and Scholarship Opportunities - This link ( will take you to the State 4-H web page listing teen opportunities. The applications for the state level awards, opportunities and scholarships described in the Opportunities Letter are one of the links on the page. While your on the page, check out some of the other opportunities as well!
Here are the pdf files available to download for Camp Counselor, Jr. Fair Board and County Opportunties applications. You will need to print the applications and handwrite the information. The applications can be scanned and emailed or sent by mail to the Extension office. If the application has an advisor recommendation form, to give to your advisor and they can submit it. Applications are due January 2nd to the Extension office. Late applications may not be considered.
Delaware County Opportunities Application - (coming soon) - Click this application to apply for Citizenship Washington Focus, Leadership Camp, Sea Camp, and Buckeye Leadership Workshop.
Delaware County Junior Camp Counselor and CIT Application - Click on this application for applying to be a Counselor-In-Training (CIT) or Camp Counselor for the 2015 Delaware County 4-H Camp.
Delaware County Teen Camp Counselor Application (coming soon) - Click on this application for applying to be a Teen Camp Counselor for the 2015 Delaware County Teen Camp. Applicants must be at least age 18 by camp.
Delaware County Junior Fair Board - (coming soon) -Click on this application to apply to be a 2015 Junior Fair Board member.